It’s been a hot minute guys!!!! I haven’t been on to post something since pre Covid and the world got all crazy! So I feel like it’s time for a check in! How is everyone?
I’m back to another journey to the stage. So I’m going to take you all along the ride.
Many of you know about my health issues I’ve had along the way with this journey and the ups and the downs but we are back at it trying to cut back down to see the stage again.
So along this journey I’m going to also put out what I’m doing food wise and workout wise and to give out some advice on what you should do and shouldn’t do.
This is my first time I’ve tried cutting and doing my meal plan by myself and I’m being monitored by my Endocrinologist through this all for my hormones and thyroid. Cutting isn’t as easy for me as others with my Hypothyroidism and my Hormone Imbalances.
So I invite you to take this journey with me! And come along for what I sure will be a crazy ride!
Coach Ash
Giuseppina Panciera